Friday, September 30, 2011

Falmouth's Green Buildings Open House Tour - join us!

Green Building Open House Tour The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association’s annual Green Buildings Open House Tour comes to Falmouth and greater Portland! On Oct. 1, homes, businesses, and schools invite the public inside to investigate the renewable technologies and green building features being employed on site. Find out what worked, what didn’t work, what would they do differently?

Event is free. To locate building sites and site specific hours log onto . Promoted by Falmouth’s Recycling and Energy Advisory Committee (

Buildings participating in Falmouth are listed below:

MacLehoe Residence, 34 Hartford St. (tour hours: 10am to 2 pm )

King Tweed Residence, 160 Woodville Rd. (tour hours: 10 am - 4 pm)

Gorham Savings Bank, 202 US Route One (tour hours: 10 am - 12 pm)

Falmouth Elementary School, 58 Woodville Rd. (tour hours: 10 am - 2 pm)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Apple Day at Gilsland Farm!

Apple Day at the Maine Audubon at Gilsland Farm!

Join us for a day celebrating fall and Maine wildlife at our Apple Day festivities at Gilsland Farm in Falmouth on Saturday, October 1 from 10-2. Enjoy cider pressing, children's activities, live music by folk musicians The Sea Slugs, delicious and healthy food, face painting, a wildlife exhibit table, and a nature scavenger hunt.

At 10:30am, children's local author and illustrator Cathryn Falwell (author of Pond Babies, Splash, and Mystery Vine) will present a reading and activities from her new book Gobble, Gobble
Aat 11:30am, Ed Morgan a.k.a.The Music Man from the Children's Garden will perform original and classic singlaongs for children ages 1-99.
Gilsland Farm Maine Audubon Center

20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
(207) 781-2330

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Getting Wind Right Forum at Gilsland Farm

Join us for the Getting Wind Right Forum at Gilsland Farm

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
7 pm - Free and open to the public!

With climate change, toxic mercury pollution from coal plants just upwind from us in New Hampshire, and rising energy prices, Maine's people and wildlife need cleaner sources of electricity, and land-based wind power developers are eager to deliver.

Come learn how new energy facilities can be located and developed in a way that cleans our air and protect our climate, while also protecting our natural heritage, from a panel of environmental advocates, wind power businesspeople, and staff scientists from the Appalachian Mountain Club and Maine Audubon.
Gilsland Farm Maine Audubon Center

20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
(207) 781-2330

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Common Yarn at the Falmouth Library

A Common Yarn at the Falmouth Library

Bring your knitting and sit, knit & chat with your neighbors working on their own projects.

3:30 - 5:30 Tuesday afternoons and/or 1-3pm Thursday afternoons.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Maine Marathon!

Traffic Delays due to the Maine Marathon October 2, 2011 7:30 AM through 12:00 Noon

On October 2nd, from 7:30 AM to 12:00 noon approximately 2500 runners in the Maine Marathon will be passing through Falmouth on Route 88 and Route 1. Expect traffic delays. Route 88 between Route 1 and the Cumberland line will be closed to through traffic during this time.

Please come cheer on the runners!

Native plants and Invasive plant discussion at Gilsland Farm

Natives and Invasives Talk
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

7 pm - Free!

Come learn from Maine Audubon’s Bob Bittenbender about plants that can provide healthy habitat for Maine's wildlife.

Gilsland Farm Maine Audubon Center
20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
(207) 781-2330

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Try Speed Skating Event at the Falmouth Ice Center!

Try Speed Skating with the Great Atlantic Speed Skating Club

Sunday, September 25th from 10am-11:30am

This event is open to anyone interested in the sport of speedskating. FMI about this event or the fall season LEARN TO SPEED SKATE CLINIC please visit the club web site at

Falmouth Memorial Library annual meeting

You're Invited!
The Falmouth Memorial Library Board of Trustees invites all interested community members to their

67th Annual Meeting on October 3 at 7 pm in the John J. Russell Meeting Room of the Library.

Meet trustees, staff, Friends, and volunteers. Learn about what's been happening at the library over the past year. Help us recognize outstanding contributions of time and energy to further the library's mission.

Hear a special presentation by Director Lyn Sudlow, Andi Jackson-Darling and Jeanne Madden giving us all a "Field Guide to the Future" that will detail key issues facing libraries as they prepare for the 21st century and how that relates to our own Falmouth Memorial Library.

Refreshments will be served.

The Falmouth Memorial Library:
5 Lunt Road, Falmouth Maine 04105 (207) 781-2351

Friday, September 23, 2011

Plummer-Motz and Lunt Elementary Re-Development

The Town of Falmouth has issued a Call for Offers for Redevelopment of the Plummer-Motz and Lunt Elementary School complex. See above for the Call for Offers and associated materials.

Potentially interested offerers are encouraged to complete the Registration Form and submit this to CBRE The Boulos Company. This will allow offerers to receive any Call for Offer addenda and FAQ briefings.

All questions regarding this Call for Offers shall be directed Craig Young ( ) or Joseph Porta (, CBRE/Boulos Co., One Canal Plaza, Portland, ME 04101, tel: 207-771-1333. Deadline for questions is Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 1:00 PM. Offers are due November 29, 2011.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Railroad Crossing work/closings in Falmouth and Cumberland

Please be advised that there has been a schedule change for the Railroad Crossing work.

Pan Am Railways will begin railroad grade crossing reconstruction in Falmouth this month. During the days listed the grade crossing will be closed to traffic for the majority of the day. We request that motorists seek alternate routes during these times.

Mon. 9/26 CUMBERLAND Rte 9 paving

Tues. 9/27 CUMBERLAND Tuttle Rd. paving

Wed. 9/28 FALMOUTH Falmouth Rd. track panel installation

Thu. 9/29 FALMOUTH Fields Rd. track panel installation

Fri. 9/30 CUMBERLAND Greeley Rd. paving

Mon. 10/3 FALMOUTH Woodville (aka Dunham) Rd. track panel installation

Wed. 10/5 FALMOUTH Falmouth Rd. paving

Thu. 10/6 FALMOUTH Fields Rd. paving

Fri. 10/7 FALMOUTH Woodville (aka Dunham) Rd. paving

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Junk mail problem - fixed!

Ecomaine, a nonprofit municipality-owned recycling company, has launched a free service in 43 communities in Maine to help stop the landfills from filling up, and to keep you from receiving unwanted mail. It's simple to sign up.

The ecomaine website is: . A department of environmental protection official says if just 10 percent of the households in the more than 40 communities sign up, about 12 million pieces of junk mail will stay out of our landfills!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Celebration of Falmouth Elementary School

As our new state-of-the-art elementary school opens for students next week we want to share in the celebration by inviting all Falmouth citizens to visit the school on Saturday September 17th at 10am.

Please join us for the dedication of the new Falmouth Elementary School from 10 to 10:30am followed by guided tours for the community from 10:30am to noon.

Our fifth grade chorus plans to participate in the festivities and refreshments will be served by the Falmouth Education Foundation.

In addition to the new school being open to the public, our new wood chip boiler plant behind the high school will be open for visits. Please mark your calendars for a fun-filled morning of touring and learning about our new consolidated campus.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Falmouth Fall Soccer

Falmouth Fall Soccer programs are still accepting registrations for K-4 Fall Soccer, but registrations are now subject to a $25 late fee.

Total cost is now $83.00. Fall Soccer begins September 10th.

Preschool Soccer began August 27th and is full.

Registrations are accepted in person at the office Monday-Thursday, by mail or in our drop box.

No phoned or faxed registrations please. For more information, please call 781-5253.