Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

12 Pick-Up Lines in 6 Languages—Just in Time for Valentine’s Day!

If love isn’t quite in the air but you’d like it to be this Valentine’s Day, we’ve gathered some (hopefully) effective and definitely entertaining pick-up lines for you to employ on your quest for romance. 
Here are 12 pick-up lines in 6 languages:
Quién fuera bizco para verte dos veces!
I wish I were cross-eyed so I could see you twice!
Tu papá debe ser pirata porque tú eres un tesoro!
Your dad must be a pirate because you are a treasure!
J’aimerais être une larme pour naître dans tes yeux, vivre sur tes joues et mourir sur tes lèvres!
I would like to be a tear to be born in your eyes, live on your cheek, and die on your lips!
Bonsoir, savez-vous que le flirt est l’aquarelle de l’amour?
Good evening, did you know flirting is the watercolor of love?
!תזמיני מכבי אש כי אני שרוף עלייך
Tazmini mekhabei esh ki ani saruf alaikh!
‪Call the fire department cause I’m burnt over you! (In Hebrew “burnt over” means “crazy for.”)
.‪הגעתייש לך עוד שתי משאלות
Higaati, yesh lakh od shtei mishalot.
I’ve arrived, you have two more wishes.
Nossa, que olhos bonitos você tem. 
Wow, what beautiful eyes you have.
Vamos beber alguma coisa na minha casa? 
Let’s go drink something at my place?
Ich schicke dir tausend leidenschaftliche Küsse. 
I send you 1,000 kisses/a tender kiss.
Ich würde gern der Grund für Deine schlaflose Nacht sein.
I’d like to be the reason for your sleepless night.
Il tuo viso ha illuminato la mia giornata.
Your face brightened my day.
Lo sapevi che oggi è la giornata mondiale contro la solitudine?
Did you know that today is World Day Against Loneliness?

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